Setting up Okta SCIM

Who can use this feature

  • Supported on Enterprise plans
  • Anyone with an org admin role can access and edit SCIM settings

This article shows how to retrieve key pieces of information from Okta to complete the SCIM provisioning process. For the rest of the SCIM setup process, see our article Setting up SCIM provisioning.

In this article:

Before you begin

  • Set up SAML SSO before you begin SCIM provisioning.
  • Collect key data from Writer to share with Okta, as explained here.

Configure SCIM in Okta

Go to the Writer application> General tab in Okta and enable SCIM provisioning:

Go to ProvisioningIntegration and configure SCIM using your details from step 1 of our setup instructions. Writer's custom application uses SAML 2.0 authentication.

Note: The Push Groups provisioning action is only required when a) you have multiple teams set up in Writer, and b) you want to assign unique Okta groups to different Writer teams.

Configure role attribute in Okta

You can add a custom attribute to assign team member and org admin roles to Writer team members. To get started, visit Provisioning> Go to Profile Editor:

Select Add Attribute to set up the Writer Role attribute and match the field values to the below screenshot. Our external namespace is urn:custom:params:scim:schemas:extension:writer:2.0

You can now use this attribute to assign Writer roles to Okta users and groups 🥳:

Push users and groups to Writer

It's time to link your Okta group to your app group (a Writer team). Go to Push Groups and select the ⚙️ icon:

Disable the checkbox for renaming app groups:

Select Refresh App GroupsFind groups by name to link your Okta Group and Writer Team:

Note: Linking Okta Groups and Writer Teams requires your Okta group name and Writer team name to be identical. Once the initial link is complete, you can change the name of the Okta group, if desired.

One last step! Go to Assignments and assign the group to the Writer application. You can also Assign to People instead, if you're provisioning individual users.

Finish the SCIM provisioning process

Return to Setting up SCIM provisioning to complete this process.

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