Enterprise plan: roles and permissions

Who can use this feature

  • Supported on Enterprise plans

What’s in this article

Role types: Org admin, team admin, and Team member

A Team member can only check content. They can view Suggestions customizations, terms, and snippets in their own Team, but they can’t edit them.

A Team admin can edit suggestions, terms, and snippets for a specific Team. Team admins can add and remove members on their Team where they are an admin, but they won’t be able to invite new users to the org. They can access Reporting, but only for the Team they are an admin for. They can also build and create pages in the style guide. They won’t have access to any admin panel features such as Security, Single Sign-on, or Billing.

Note: A user can be a Team member in one Team and a Team admin in another.

An Org admin can edit all Team customizations (suggestions, terms, snippets), invite Team members, and access all admin panel settings.

Permissions in detail

Team member Team admin Org admin

Writer customizations
👀  Can view suggestions, but not edit
👀  Can view terms, but not edit
👀  Can view snippets page, but not edit
🔴  Can’t access style guide builder

Admin settings
🔴  Can’t invite new users to the Organization
🔴  Can’t access admin panel
🔴  Can’t access reporting

Writer customizations
✏️ Can edit suggestions*
✏️ Can edit terms*
✏️ Can create and edit snippets*
✏️ Can build and publish style guide pages
*only for teams where they are an admin

Admin settings
✅  Can add existing users to their Team

Writer customizations
✏️ Can edit suggestions*
✏️ Can edit terms*
✏️ Can create and edit snippets*
✏️ Can build and publish style guide pages
*for all Teams in the Organization

Admin settings
✅  Can invite new users to the Organization
✅  Can add new users to any Team
✅  Can view and change all admin settings
✅  Can view reporting 

Assigning roles

When you invite a user from Admin>People, you can assign them as Team member or Team admin.

Assigning an Org admin

After you invite a user, you can promote them to Org admin. Head to Admin>People, find the user you’d like to promote, select the ellipses on the right-hand side of the user’s name, and select Make Org admin.
You can unassign a user from an Org admin role using the same menu. 

Assigning a Team admin

To promote a Team member to a Team admin, select your Team in the left-hand navigation and go to Teammates. Select the ellipses menu next to the Team member, then select Make Team admin. You can unassign a user as a Team admin from the same menu. 

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