How to use Knowledge Graph

Who can use this feature

Knowledge Graph allows you to ask powerful questions and generate content from your company's data. Knowledge Graph draws on a variety of your company's internal sources, so you can access information even when you aren't sure where it's stored, and get insights from data stored across multiple places. Knowledge Graph allows you to ask and answer questions with confidence, knowing you're writing content and giving answers based on information you can trust.

P.S. Trying to learn how to configure and manage a Knowledge Graph? See our article here.

In this article:

What is Knowledge Graph?

Knowledge Graph is Writer's data retrieval system, which allows you to query huge sets of business data quickly and more accurately than any other tools, so you can access valuable insights wherever you're working.

Want a more concrete example?

Imagine you're a Sales representative, and you receive a question from Tricia, a longstanding customer: "I'm looking at the budget for next year, and I'm trying to figure out which plan makes the most sense for my team. Would Premium be the right fit for us?"

Until now, there were two ways to handle this:

Fast but shallow: You deliver your trained talking points about the Premium plan, using generic talk tracks and trying to make it sound personalized to Tricia's needs as quickly as you can

Slow but personalized: You search through multiple tools to get more context to inform your answer.

  • Salesforce: What plan does Tricia have right now? Has she used a Premium subscription in the past? How long has she been a customer? How much does she currently spend?
  • Zendesk: What has Tricia asked about in previous customer support conversations? Did she inquire about certain features or capabilities which weren't available on her plan?
  • Snowflake: What is her account usage like currently? How many active users are at her organization?

With that context in mind, you review other internal assets from your colleagues:

  • Which plan has features that correspond to things Tricia has mentioned in the past? How does your product marketing describe those features? This information lives on an internal enablement slide deck produced by Product Marketing and Sales leadership.
  • Is there anything on the upcoming roadmap for the Premium plan which fits Tricia's needs? The roadmap lives in an Airtable but your Product team also put together a more polished Powerpoint presentation last month.

All of this research produced an incredible, compelling, highly personalized response. You've delivered stellar customer service – but realistically, it took you hours to get back to her after putting all of this together, all while other inquiries were coming in.

Knowledge Graph combines the best of both worlds: it allows you to search across multiple sources of internal data, structured and unstructured, then analyzes all of the most relevant results, and finally composes a reasonable answer for you – in moments, not hours. You can provide that same level of high-quality, personalized service without sacrificing speed or letting other inquiries go stale.

How can I access Knowledge Graph?

Using Knowledge Graph in our web app

Knowledge Graph is accessible through Ask Writer, our open-ended generative AI tool.

From the dashboard, select Ask Writer from the Shortcuts menu, or navigate to .

Select Knowledge Graph mode, and select the Knowledge graph which is most relevant to your query.

Asking a question

Simply enter your question in the input field and submit. Knowledge Graph will search across your data to find the most relevant information, perform any necessary analysis, and then produce a well-written answer.

Example prompt:

What is a good customer quote that I can use about [X]?

Ask Writer will show its thought process by breaking your question down into subquestions and providing answers – and sources – for each subquestion. You can access the thought process, subquestions, and sources for subquestions by selecting Thought process below the output.

When Ask Writer cites a source from your Knowledge graph, you can select the source to see the specific excerpt within the file which supports our answer.

Using your answer

Need to workshop your answer a bit? Select Send output to doc to open up a new draft in Writer with the output copy-pasted at the top. You could also select Copy text to copy the output to your clipboard.

Generating content from Knowledge Graph

You can also use Knowledge Graph to generate content. Just select the appropriate Knowledge graph and give Ask Writer a task.

Example prompt:

Generate a LinkedIn post referencing 3 quotes from customers.

Ask Writer will show its thought process by breaking your question down into subquestions and providing answers – and sources – for each subquestion. You can access the thought process, subquestions, and sources for subquestions by selecting Thought process below the output.

When Ask Writer cites a source from your Knowledge graph, you can select the source to see the specific excerpt within the file which supports our answer.

Adding custom instructions

You can describe how you’d like Writer to behave when generating responses, such as specific formatting, style, voice, do’s and don’ts and more.

You can set different instructions for each session. This means you could have a Knowledge Graph session with one set of custom instructions, and another Knowledge Graph session with completely different instructions.

Using Knowledge Graph in the Writer for Chrome extension

Select the purple ✨sparkles icon to open up the commands widget within the Writer for Chrome extension.

Select Ask your Knowledge Graph and submit your question.

Use the Previous outputs menu at the bottom of the widget to review previous questions and outputs from your Knowledge Graph.

Using Knowledge Graph in the Writer for Edge extension

Select the purple ✨sparkles icon to open up the commands widget within the Writer for Chrome extension.

Select Ask your Knowledge Graph and submit your question.

Use the Previous outputs menu at the bottom of the widget to review previous questions and outputs from your Knowledge Graph.

Using Knowledge Graph in the Writer for Mac extension

Select Writer for Mac from the dock or the top toolbar to open the commands widget. Select Chat with Ask Writer.

From this point, Knowledge Graph works exactly the same way as within the web app.

Toggle on Enable Knowledge Graph mode in the input field, select the appropriate Knowledge Graph, then submit your question. Toggle Knowledge Graph mode off to return to regular Ask Writer mode.

Using Knowledge Graph in the Writer for Windows extension

Select Writer for Windows from the system tray or the taskbar to open the commands widget.

Select Ask your Knowledge Graph and submit your question.

Use the Previous outputs menu at the bottom of the widget to review previous questions and outputs from your Knowledge Graph.

Using Knowledge Graph in the Writer for Figma extension

Under the main Figma menu, select Plugins > Writer for Figma to launch the extension.

Select Ask your Knowledge Graph and submit your question.

Use the Previous outputs menu at the bottom of the widget to review previous questions and outputs from your Knowledge Graph.

When should I use Knowledge Graph instead of Ask Writer?

The user already knows which file the answer is located in. Ask Writer
The answer can be generated using 1-10 source files, of less than 10,000,000 total words. The source files are immediately available. Ask Writer
The user does not know which file the answer is located in. Knowledge Graph
The type of question requires accessing lots of varied source data. Knowledge Graph
The answer requires using sources longer than 10,000,000 total words. Knowledge Graph
The answer doesn't have one straightforward answer, but requires reading multiple sources to decide which one best helps answer the question. Knowledge Graph

What kinds of questions can I ask Knowledge Graph?

Knowledge Graph is great at searching across huge troves of structured and unstructured data to put together answers for you. Knowledge Graph is helpful when you want to know the best answer to a question among multiple possibilities, or when you want to retrieve a specific piece of information and you don't know where it currently lives.

NOTE: Knowledge Graph – like any LLM-based technology – does not do well at providing the exhaustive answer to a question. "Does Acme, LLC have a good relationship with Writer?" is a good question to ask. "What is the total amount of money spent by Acme, LLC on Writer?" is not a good question to ask. The more narrow your window of retrieval (i.e. "total amount of money spent in 2012") the better your output. If you need to know every single instance of something for your work, LLM technology is not suited to this task.


  • What kind of pricing plans include access to Ultra+ Support?
  • How should a customer troubleshoot their BlueMug if the saucer stops charging?
  • How can I explain how to use Knowledge Graph to a new user with very little technical knowledge?


  • Which plan is the best fit for a budget-conscious, mid-market business?
  • Based on Acme's support ticket history, subscription history, account usage, and more, what plan has the features which are most appealing without representing a big increase in spend?
  • Have we written any past proposals or statements of work for a company similar to Acme, LLC?

Sales enablement

  • Find a relevant customer reference for an enterprise B2B SaaS company in the healthcare industry.
  • What's a great customer quote about using Brickly to work more efficiently?
  • What is an approved statistic about how Brickly has helped a customer cut costs?


  • What is the financial health of Brickly, based on earnings calls, SWOT analyses, and more?
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  • How does "mixture of experts" work in deep learning? What impact does it have on performance?
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