Using apps

We're keeping things simple! Writer templates are now called "apps". To learn more about recent name changes, check out What's New.

Who can use this feature

  • Available on Team and Enterprise plans

What's in this article:

What are apps?

Have you ever thought it'd be easier to write if you had a first draft, instead of a blank page? Writer uses AI-powered apps to generate first drafts of common content types, including blog posts, product descriptions, email subject lines, and more. You can use our out-of-the-box apps, use our Ask Writer app to generate open-ended content, or submit a request for a custom app (Enterprise plans only).

How do I access and use apps?

Go to and select All apps from the Shortcuts menu at the top of the page.

All apps will reveal our entire searchable app library. Ask Writer, Blog builder and Recaps builder are our three most popular apps.

You can also open the apps library from within a document. Select Explore apps in the top navigation menu:

Select the app you’d like to use.

When hovering over an app, select Preview to learn more about what it does, what inputs it requires, and what help resources exist for that app:

Fill out the required fields and select Generate content.

Draft content will appear in the document on the right panel and in a widget in the left panel under Drafts.

In the “All drafts” widget, you have the option to rate the draft and send feedback to the Writer team.

Select Generate content again if you'd like to generate another draft. You'll be able to review all drafts by scrolling down the left panel.

When you use a app to generate content, Writer automatically creates a draft document for you, which you can reopen any time:

Don't need your draft anymore? Click the ••• menu on the left side and select Delete.

You can also delete a draft when you're working in the draft:


Q: What is the source for Writer AI-generated content?

Writer does not crawl the web or search a database for content that already exists. It generates real–time content following your instructions. The only exception to this is our Ask Writer app in which you can instruct Writer to reference a specific URL, or source files which you've uploaded.

Q: How does Writer generate content?

Writer uses a very large AI deep learning model trained to generate text. The out-of-the-box model is trained on over 300 billion parameters derived from a mix of publicly available data from the Internet and data licensed from third parties. You can learn more about our generative AI models here.

If you're on an Enterprise plan, you can also elect to have Writer train a model specifically on your company’s content, to create drafts that more precisely capture your voice and content guidelines. Contact us for more information.

Q: Tell me even more about Writer's language models - let's get technical!

You can learn more about Writer's language models at our Developer site here.

Q: How can I tell if something I'm working on is a good candidate for generative AI?

We suggest using an app if your content falls under any of these categories:
  • Longform content (A) based on general knowledge (e.g., content marketing blog), or (B) where you can provide a basic outline that covers the necessary knowledge (help article, FAQ, documentation)
  • High-volume shortform content that can be creatively exhausting to produce (e.g., email subjects, blog titles, product descriptions, marketing emails)
  • Existing longform content that you need to summarize or alter

Q: What apps are available out-of-the-box?

The following apps are available: 


  • Blog headline generator
  • Blog headlines from scratch
  • Blog post outline
  • Blog post
  • Case study
  • Messaging ideas
  • Product descriptions
  • Push notifications
  • eCommerce marketing email


  • Google ads
  • Facebook ads


  • Error messages
  • Release notes
  • Tooltip shortener


  • Answer an FAQ
  • FAQ generator
  • Help center articles


  • Outbound emails

External Communications

    • Email subject line idea generator
    • Email subject lines from scratch
    • Press releases


  • Job descriptions
  • Recruiting email


  • Easy summaries
  • Ask Writer

Q: Can I customize an app?

Yes, members of select Enterprise plans can request a custom app directly from the App Library, under the Custom tab. If you're on a plan that doesn't include custom apps, you can contact us for more information.

Q: I'm on a Team plan, and I've run into the Words Generated limit. How can I increase my allowance?

Words generated are offered as a per user allowance on Team plans. If you need a higher limit, you can add another user, up to 5 total. You can track your progress toward your monthly allowance in the admin menu.

  • Your word count will reset at the start of each month of your plan. For example, if you first signed up on April 15, your Words Generated limit will reset on the 15th of each month. 
  • If you're interested in accessing generated content at a higher volume, contact our sales team to find out more about our Enterprise plans.
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