Team plans: roles and permissions

Who can use this feature

  • Supported on Team plans

What’s in this article:

Two basic access roles

There are 2 types of access in an Enterprise account. From least to most access:
  • A team member has the least access. This is the default access role for all new users unless otherwise specified. These users can use Writer to polish their own work or generate content, but cannot adjust any workspace settings or edit the styleguide.
  • An org admin has unlimited access to the Writer workspace. They can adjust all configurations and make changes to all account-level settings.

If you’re on an Enterprise plan, you’ll have an additional role type: Team admin. You can learn more here: Enterprise plan: Roles and Permissions.

Access role permissions

Writer suggestions & style guide

Permission Team member Org admin
View suggestions
Edit suggestions
View snippets
Edit snippets
View terms
Edit terms
Access style guide builder
Create voice profiles

Generating content

Permission Team member Org admin
Create team prompts


Permission Team member Org admin
Access reports

User management

Permission Team member Org admin
Invite new users to a workspace
Add users to a team ✅ – any team

Account settings

Permission Team member Org admin
Access Admin settings
Update subscription & payment

Assigning roles

Assigning org admins

Org admins can promote Team members to Org admins. To do so, head to Teammates. Select the ellipses next to the Team member, then select Make Org admin. You’ll now notice that a new “Org admin” label has appeared next to their name.

Unassigning Org admins

Org admins can also downgrade an Org admin to a Team member role. To unassign an Org admin as a Team admin, head to Teammates. Select the ellipses next to their name, then select Unassign as Org admin. You’ll notice the “Org admin” label next to their name has now been removed.

Frequently asked questions

Who can access the docs and drafts I create?

By default, all of your docs and drafts are private, even to org admins.

How can I share access to a doc I'm working on?

Select the ••• menu in the top left corner and select Share settings.

Select to share your doc with a team you belong to, or with specific teammates. Then select Update.

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