Domain discoverability

Who can use this feature

  • Available on Team and Enterprise plans

Make it easy for other members of your organization to find your Writer workspace by enabling Domain discoverability.

When colleagues make independent workspaces, your organization's work ends up scattered across different accounts - without visibility or control from managers.

Domain discoverability makes your workspace discoverable by employees who sign up with your company's specified email domain.

NOTE: You may only enable domain discoverability for domains you own. Do not add domain discoverability for domains you do not own (like or those of partners with whom you work frequently.

What's in this article?

Setting up domain discoverability

Organizations with SAML enabled

If your organization has enabled SAML single sign-on:

  1. Select the Admin menu, then select Single sign-on.
  2. Under Domain discoverability, flip the toggle to allow new users to choose to join this organization instead of creating their own.
  3. Under Access, decide whether new users should be able to join your organization immediately, or whether an organization admin needs to approve them first.
  4. Under Default team, select which team a new user added via domain discoverability will be added to by default.

Organizations without SAML SSO enabled

If your organization has not enabled SAML single sign-on:

  1. Select the Admin menu, then select Account settings.
  2. Under Domain discoverability, you’ll see a list of domains associated with your workspace. As an admin, you’ll be able to enable domain discoverability for whichever domain is used in your own email address. Flip the toggle next to your domain to allow new users to choose to join this organization instead of creating their own.
  3. Under Access, decide whether new users should be able to join your organization immediately, or whether an organization admin needs to approve them first. Note: users who have already been invited to join your organization will bypass the admin approval step.
  4. Under Default team, select which team a new user added via domain discoverability will be added to by default.

Signup flow for users

When users sign up for Writer, they’ll receive an email verification to confirm their identities. Once the user has confirmed their email address, Writer will alert the user if their organization already exists on Writer:

If you've configured Allow immediate access, the user can select Join your teammates to join your workspace (and any default team, if specified).

If the user selects Create my own org, Writer will create a new workspace and the user will proceed through the usual setup process.

If you've configured Require org admin approval, the user can select Request to join your teammates to receive confirmation that their request was submitted, along with a list of the org admins:

Once the request has been approved, the new user will receive an email notification inviting them to log into their new Writer account:

Note: Remember, if a user has already been invited to your organization, they'll bypass the admin approval step and gain immediate access to your workspace.

Signup flow for org admins

If you've selected allow immediate access, there is no further action necessary.

If you've selected require org admin approval with immediate email notifications, you’ll be able to approve the user straight from your inbox:


I don't see the option to turn on domain discoverability.

“It looks like your email domain is already taken by another organization. If this is incorrect, contact to resolve.”

This screen indicates that another Writer organization has already made this domain discoverable for its own workspace. Double-check that you are signed into the right Writer account and workspace. If you’re sure that you’re in the correct organization, contact our Support team at for more assistance.

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