Updates to Writer’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

We recently updated both our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and wanted to share some context around why we made these updates, what’s changed, and when the new versions of each will go into effect.

First, we want to highlight what has not changed: we will not use any data you share with us to train our models.

Why we’ve made these updates

We periodically review our terms and policies to reflect updates to our services and how we protect the information you share with us and wanted to take the opportunity both to clarify who each set of terms applies to.

Whom do these sets of terms apply to?

Terms of Use

Our Terms of Use applies to anyone who is accessing or using Writer’s services as an individual not part of a business account.

In other words, these terms do not apply to you if you are using our services as part of an organization or other corporate entity, in which case our Platform Services Agreement (or, if applicable, a separately executed agreement between Writer and that entity) governs your access to and use of our services.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy applies when you are using our services as an individual and we are acting as a data controller (or similar role under data protection laws), such as when you access our websites or when you create an account with a personal email address. 

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to you when we are acting as a data processor (or similar role under data protection laws) and processing personal information on behalf of a business acount, in which case our Platform Services Agreement and Data Processing Agreement (or, if applicable, a separately executed agreement and/or data processing agreement between Writer and that customer) governs our processing of information about you.

What’s changed?  

As mentioned above, we periodically review our terms and policies to make sure they are clear, easy to understand, and accurately reflect our services. We encourage you to read both updated versions of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, but here is a summary of the key changes:

Terms of Use

  • Who these terms apply to: they apply to anyone who is accessing or using Writer’s services as an individual not part of a business account.
  • Acceptable Use: when you use our services, you must comply with our Acceptable Use Policy, which provides guidelines about how you can and cannot use our services.
  • APIs: when you use our services, you may also have access to our APIs, which can allow you to build applications. 
  • Credits: Depending on which APIs you use and how you’re using our services, you may be required to purchase credits, which are subject to our Credit Terms.  
  • Dispute Resolution and Mandatory Arbitration: We will always try our best to work with you directly and informally in the event of any potential legal disputes. If we are unable to find a resolution, we will first work through our dispute using arbitration.

Privacy Policy

  • Clarity: we rewrote this policy to make it easier for you to understand both who this policy applies to along with your privacy rights and the choices available to you with respect to personal information you share with us.
  • Information we collect about you: we have clarified what information we collect that you provide directly to us as well an information we automatically collect when you use our services.
  • How we use your information: we have also updated how we use the information you share with us to make it easier to understand, including the legal bases we rely on to use your information under EU data protection laws.
  • Cookies: we’ve clarified how we use cookies, including through our Cookie Notice and made it easier for you to exercise your right to opt out of cookies.
  • California Privacy: we’ve provided additional information for our users based in California about how they can exercise their rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act. 

When will the new versions of the Terms of Use and Privacy become effective?

Each will become effective on June 3, 2024.

Thanks again for using Writer - we appreciate you taking the time to read this update and look forward to continuing to give you the ability to build and create across our platform.

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