Using Writer for Contentful

Who can use this feature

  • Supported on FreeTeam, and Enterprise plans

What’s in this article:


Writer for Contentful is an app available in the Contentful Marketplace for anyone with a Contentful account. You'll need a Writer account to use the app.

With the Writer app, you can make sure everything that you write in Contentful is clear, consistent, and error-free.

If you’re on a Team or Enterprise plan, this includes advanced suggestions like style, clarity, delivery, inclusivity, and terminology checks. Free users will only receive spelling, punctuation, and grammar suggestions.


Sign in to Contentful and go to Manage Apps in the Apps menu. (If you don't have permissions to add and manage apps, contact the administrator of your Contentful space.)

Scroll down the Available apps list to Writer. Select Install from the three dots on the right.

Select Install on the pop-up page.

Confirm permissions for the app. 

Select the fields on each of your content types where you want to check content with Writer, and then select Install. Writer will only check content in fields where the blue checkmark is selected. 

You’re done with the installation. Now go to a content entry to use Writer. 

Using Writer for Contentful

Once you've installed the Writer App for Contentful, go to an entry for a content type where you've enabled Writer. (In the installation example above, "Blog Post" is one of the content types where we've enabled Writer.)

Go to a field that you'd like to check, and select “Check content with Writer.”

In the pop-up window, select one of three options to sign in to Writer.

  1. Sign in with your username and password
  2. Sign in with Google
  3. Sign in with SAML SSO

Once you're signed in, you'll see an editor with your content on the left, and the Writer sidebar on the right. You can review suggestions from Writer either all at once, or by category (spelling and grammar, terms, style, etc.).

Accept the suggestion by selecting the text in green, or ignore the suggestion by selecting the trash can icon.

Select Save & close at the bottom of the window to finish and save your work.


Q: What are the field types in Contentful where I can use Writer?

During installation, you can enable Writer on Rich text or Text fields. 

For Text fields, Writer is available for: 

  • Short text fields that are NOT lists 
  • Long text fields that are: single line, multiple line, or markdown
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